Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Figaro twins

Oh how I feel about the Figaro twins: Edgar and Sabin. Ya, I'm a cliche' product of the 80s/90s- FF6 was my first rpg. A girl never forgets her first.



roughing out the lighting

and finale!


Print created for the 2015 NOLA Comic-con. I've been playing around with imposing figures upon themselves- didn't come out too shabby

Wizard promotional art

A few prints were sold during AWDI's launch- the favorite being Pig Face Girl and China Doll Monkey, two characters being introduced later on in the series. 

And then there's Dom, the unfortunate necromancer

A Wizard Did It

Pages 1-6, and the special christmas edition!

Christmas- how would a shut in necromancer know of world religion? 

The comic that wasnt

For all of 2014, I worked on a web comic called A Wizard Did It. The story followed little 18 yr old Ned- Ned the necromancer (what a goofy name for a goofy kid)

Not for nothing, but when did I reach the age where 18 yr olds are kids to me? Getting old is surreal.

The comic proper went for shy over a month, and had a few christmas-themed specials, since it was released December 2014. 

The poor thing did not live long on its site. Shame, but that's life haha. I offer it now for the archives

Monday, May 4, 2015

So I should blog if I have one

Digital art time- I've been trying to explore all the different texture brushes I've been stocking pilling.  Yes, much like pokemon, I have to get them all.